Respect and Compassion Throughout Your Personal Care.


Each carer at Independent Care, participates in continuous training where they learn the importance of enabling your dignity and independence at all times.

While getting to know you, or your loved one we will personalise your care plan to detail important information. This includes likes and dislikes, hygiene or beauty products you like to use and what (and who) you are most comfortable with.

Personal care is a broad term, this can refer to supporting with personal hygiene and toileting, dressing and maintaining your personal appearance.

It can cover, but is not limited to:

  • Bathing and showering

  • Applying lotions and creams

  • Dressing and undressing

  • Getting ready for bed

  • Oral hygiene

  • Applying make-up, and hair care

  • Support with shaving

  • Assistance with feeding and meal preparation

  • Helping you to the toilet

  • Support moving position in bed, to stretch and prevent bed sores
